gue mau cerita tentang salah satu penulis favorite gue!
yak! ini dia.. NICHOLAS SPARKS!
sumpaaahhh gue pengeeeeeeennn banget ketemu dia..
sebenernya gue belom pernah baca novelnya satupun ampe abis sih
but, gue udah nonton film yang based on his novels.
dan menurut gue itu film romantic spanjang masa..
film yang paling bagus menurut gue tetep The Notebook
buku pertamanya dia tuh denger2.. hehehe
ni gue kasi fotonya :
dia disebut2 sebagai penulis paling sexi lohh, jelas aja, badannya aja gak kalah sama jason statham gitu.. astaga o.O makin cinta deh jadinya sama Nicholas Sparks...
gue pengen banget ngirim surat secara pribadi ke Nicholas Sparks. andai ada email pribadinya, seenggaknya gue nyepam dikit tuh di email dia. hehehe
yaudah dari pada gada tempat buat ngirim surat, suratnya gue post di blog ajee...
Dear Nicholas,
I know you didn't know me, neither I dont know about your life.
but, wherever you are in this world, i know it must be fun and crowded. Yup. I know this life wasnt fine. nothing gets better in this world lately, maybe the nature have tired to watch all of our shit in this world.
Okay, my friend has told me about her favorite writer, in that books the writer said "it would be great to changed someone's life without knowing that who is that one" in this case, it would be nice to be an inspire-man.
I know your novels mostly talk about love. and I am here 16-years-old-asiangirl who don't know anything about love, even i can't describe how fantastic to be loved by a guy.. or is it fun to be kissed? i have no idea to answer this. I'm just insecure girl to having that stuff.
but love.... you write with love from your heart, that's makes me falling love and feel to be loved, and you showed me maybe someday in this earth there's 'a man' who love me so much and never gets tired of me.
I hope one day, i can taking photo with you, have my books signed by you, chit-chat with you like a friend. i hope so....
thanks for inspire me, fix me, tell me that there is a bunch of love over there when i was broke.
March 13 2011.
gue harap suatu saat bisa surat2 an ke nicholas sparks, terus dia recommended gue buat maen di salah satu film based on his novels gitu yaaaaaaaaaaaa
udah akh sekian dulu yaaaaa tentang nikolas sparks nya, mau tau lebih lanjut kesini ajeee -----> klik :P atau bisa kesini juga, kalo bingung bhasa inggrisnya siniii :P
a walk to remember juga jul baguuuuuus ceritanya :')